If your printer show P07 error it means that your ink absorber inside the printer is almost full. In order to solve this you need to clear or reset the counter protection of your printer. To do this, follow this steps.
First make sure that the power cable and usb cable are connected, before you perform the reset procedure. And download the resetter at the bottom of this post.
FIRST STEPS: Entering Service Mode
You have to enter in service mode in order to used the resetter. To do that follow this procedure,
1. Turn off the printer without pulling the power cords.
2. Hold down STOP/RESET button and press Power button.
3. Keep holding down Power button and let STOP/RESET button go.
4. Then Press STOP/RESET button twice then let BOTH buttons go.
5. You will notice that the Alternate Blinking error is gone, this means that the printer is in Service Mode state.
SECOND STEPS: Using the Resetter
1. After you download the resetter, extract it and double click "servicetool.exe"
2. Load some papers in your printer and press the "Main" Button once, wait until the printing is done.
3. Then press "EEPROMClear" button to clear EEPROM.
4. Then press EEPROM button and the printer will print some text.
5. Then power off the printer(sometimes you have to press twice the power button to turn off) and turn on again. and its done!
this is a new service tool
Please leave a comment or say thank!
Obviously we need PC/Laptops and modem kits(smart bro,globe tatto or sun broadband)
1.Download this software FREEMYNET V5
2.Then simply follow this simple steps for SMART user: (change modem sim into a smart buddy prepaid sim / pre activated with gprs settings)minimum balance of P1.00 is required
3.just follow pictures to configure setting on modem;
For Globe users(use globe tatto sim) no airtime balance is required
JUST IGNORE THIS MESSAGE:(but don't close it)
1.run ccleaner
2.disable firewall
3.ping GLOBE/SMART IP (choose which network you use)
Music will begin playing when your page is loaded and will only play one time. A control panel will be displayed to enable your visitors to stop the music.
This is an example displaying the use of the paragraph tag. <p> This will create a line break and a space between lines.
Example 1:<br>
<br> <p align="left">
This is an example<br>
displaying the use<br>
of the paragraph tag.<br>
Example 2:<br>
<br> <p align="right">
This is an example<br>
displaying the use<br>
of the paragraph tag.<br>
Example 3:<br>
<br> <p align="center">
This is an example<br>
displaying the use<br>
of the paragraph tag.
This is an example displaying the use of the paragraph tag.
This will create a line break and a space between lines.
Example 1:
This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.
Example 2:
This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.
Example 3:
This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.
So you have now the free internet using HIT's Magic IPs.And of course ,you want a "fast direct download" using Magic IP's right?This is what you need to do.
You have to sign up to http://www.torrific.com/. Dont worry it's free.Then follow the steps
1.First method is to input a torrent file URL into the “Get” field. This would be perfect if you have access to a torrent tracker (piratebay.com) and obtain your torrent there.
2. Copy and paste the URL into the field and click the “Get” button. Torrific will download the torrent and add it to the process.
3. Click "initiate bittorrent process"
4. Wait until the queue was done.
5. Click now the file you need to download.
Enjoy!!HIT it!!
Magic IP range
10.200.(64 - 127).(0 - 255) Port 80
Anything that falls between this IP range -
Just set your Proxy/IP in your browser.
Free Internet in Smart Bro/Talk N text in your PC using Toonel.net and Proxifier
1. Change your Proxy/IP of your browser(ie. firefox, opera, etc.) to Port 8080.
2. Run Toonel.net and Proxifier. Toonel.net is using tunnel/s to connect to net and proxifier helps Toonel.net to connect to open tunnels.